Key takeaways

AgTech is an emerging sector at the intersection of agriculture and technology. Identified businesses use (often patented) technology to create innovative products and services that are mainly aimed at increasing the efficiency and yield of agricultural activities. As such, we segmented the European AgTech market by application into: (i) breeding, (ii) biological crop protection, (iii) controlled environment, (iv) precision agriculture and (v) farm automation.

With AgTech representing an emerging field poised to disrupt existing market segments that follow traditional approaches toward agriculture, a quite fragmented nature of the industry can be observed. Herein, traditional agriculture businesses have the upper hand with regard to market share due to their long history of established operations. A notable exception within AgTech is seen in the breeding market, characterised by an oligopoly with the top 4 players accounting for ~67%. In contrast, precision agriculture includes pre-revenue incumbents. Despite this, it is the long tail of small-sized players that tends to drive innovation and substantial future change. The majority of businesses concentrate on core R&D activities while outsourcing manufacturing, commercial and distribution tasks.

Investor-led interest in the AgTech sphere is evident, with ~60% of identified assets being backed by financial sponsors (as of February 2024). Investors are primarily attracted by the favourable long-term outlook driven by growing food consumption, the ecological agenda and farming unit economics. Nevertheless, investors venturing into this domain should closely monitor the varying European regulatory frameworks and challenges in the adoption by farmers.

ESG topics in the European AgTech market concern environmental and social factors. Incumbents mainly have a positive impact on the environment due to their innovation-driven products aimed at eliminating inefficiencies while boosting productivity at the same time. On the social dimension, incumbents actively contribute toward increasing food accessibility and security while actively protecting animal welfare. Herein, innovations give rise to farming in areas that may be too dry while monitoring livestock indicators to detect signs of distress or illness, thereby enabling prompt intervention when necessary.

Company benchmarking

Market growth

Statista (May 2023) projects the European gross agriculture production value to grow from ~€607.6bn in 2024 to ~€709.8bn by 2028 (+4.0% CAGR 2024-2028)

The global crop protection market was estimated at ~$78.7bn in 2022 (+9.9% YoY; S&P Global, March 2023)

Technavio (June 2022) forecasts the global precision agriculture market to reach ~$12.8bn by 2026, up from ~$6.8bn in 2021 (+13.6% CAGR 2021-2026)

Positive drivers

Rising global population necessitates increased agricultural efficiency. FAO (July 2023) estimates that global food consumption will increase by ~15% in 2023-2032, with AgTech innovations set to play an indispensable role in increasing the respective agricultural output (interview by

Multiple ecological tailwinds will continue to accelerate the AgTech adoption. While consumers seek more sustainable food options (AgTechNavigator, January 2024), farmers face regulatory pressure to lower their carbon emissions while experiencing the adverse effects of climate change on harvest (European Commission, December 2023)

AgTech players will benefit from increasing technological and capital intensity of agriculture. This will force smaller farmers without sufficient capital to invest in novel technologies out of the market, which means that only those with the financial firepower to obtain such costly innovations will remain (interview by

Negative drivers

Talent deficits in STEM and biotech threaten agricultural innovation (AdFunderNews, October 2023). Amid the global shortage of employees with technical skills (Deloitte, August 2023), AgTech businesses need to compete with other sectors, while European players also risk losing top candidates to better-funded North American counterparts (interview by

Inherent exposure of agriculture to macroeconomic factors, such as geopolitical tensions (e.g. Ukraine-Russia war), fluctuating interest rates and volatility in input prices (e.g. animal feed, fertilisers), pressures bottom-line margins and innovation CAPEX of farmers (interview by

Significant implementation barriers related to structural technological shifts and regulatory burden flatten the technology adoption curve (McKinsey, February 2023). Farmers adapt more easily to gradual innovations compared to revolutionary changes (World Economic Forum, September 2021). This is exacerbated by the prevalent loss aversion among the ageing farming demographic (Forbes, June 2021)

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