




Gain full visibility on financial sponsors and their deals

Deep insight into investor strategies and portfolios

Elevate your sponsor dialogue through our insights

Understand capital availability with our fundraising data

We concisely track fundraising by investor and sub-strategy to identify the right pockets of capital.


Understand capital availability with our fundraising data

We concisely track fundraising by investor and sub-strategy to identify the right pockets of capital.


Dive deeper into PE portfolios than ever

Nowhere elso do you find such deep asset-level information on a sponsor portfolio. It is the depth of analysis you always wanted, right there at your fingertips.


Dive deeper into PE portfolios than ever

Nowhere elso do you find such deep asset-level information on a sponsor portfolio. It is the depth of analysis you always wanted, right there at your fingertips.


Track deal activity per sponsor

We track platform acquisitions, portfolio add-ons as well as any exits. Our clear seperation of those different deal types makes understanding at a PE’s deal activity a breeze.


Track deal activity per sponsor

We track platform acquisitions, portfolio add-ons as well as any exits. Our clear seperation of those different deal types makes understanding at a PE’s deal activity a breeze.


Prepare your next meeting on-the-go

Our platform is built mobile-first and is easy to use on any mobile device. You get the same level of information and an intuitive user interface. This makes your ideal platform, also when you travel or are on the way to a meeting.